Setting up scene

How to setup your scene for asset to work.

From top bar select Top Down System and then Setup New Scene. (Or use shortcut Ctrl+Shift+T)

After that click on "Setup Currently Opened Scene" in a newly shown dialog window

After that there will be new items created in your scene that are backbone of this asset and confirmation message will show up in your console notifying you that scene has been setup for asset.

Before you can fully use your scene you need to do two more things. First one is to select all 'walkable' surfaces and change their tag to 'Walkable' tag (or any other tag you specified for your surfaces and inside your character's interaction script - Top Down Controller Interact component).

You also need to bake NavMesh inside your scene because Top Down controller of our asset uses it for navigation.

Congratulations - your scene is now ready for use!

Last updated