Setting up new player character

How to setup new characters.

To setup new character to use with this asset you need to click on New Player Character from Top Down System from top toolbar. (or use shortcut Ctrl+Shift+C)

After that new dialog to setup your new player character will show up. Before anything you need to set Character Asset. If you already have one prepared just drop it inside, but if you do not click on "Create new character card" and new Character Asset will be created inside your asset folder.

Character Asset or CHARACTER CARD is a object that holds basic information's for created character. Inside of it you can select characters portrait, name, health, mana and his voice set. Everything is self explanatory except voice set. Character Voice Set is a asset holding voices that character will play inside combat and on various world interactions. (voices like idle sounds, grunts etc)

After assigning character card/asset inside create new player character window, we need to set his model. For the purpose of this tutorial we will use beautiful and stylish low poly model from Polytope Studio. We simply drag the model from scene hierarchy to Character Model field.

After that it is simple - clicking on Create Character window will setup our character and we can use him immediately.

Now we can tinker with many settings on components on our newly created character to our liking, but we need to setup mount points for equipping weapons and etc.

Under "Equipment Manager" component we can find mount points for holding weapon/shield in hand or in holster. We need to setup their position correctly so that weapon/shield fits when equipped.

We also need to setup Equipment Type for our character. We can select None, Instantiate Mesh, Replace Mesh or Enable Mesh.

None speaks for itself, Instantiate Mesh means that on equipping item (armor or other equipment) system will instantate mesh in preselect parent points, Replace Mesh will replace mesh inside Skinned Mesh Component and is best used if meshes share same material and texture, Enable Mesh will enable/disable desired equipment on usage.

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