Setting up AI character

How to setup AI character

Setting up your AI character is even easier than setting up your player character. Process is fairly the same with few expectations. To open setup window click on Top Down System inside top bar and select "New AI NPC" (or use shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N)

For purpose of this tutorial we will use Skeleton from Polytope Studios.

After we drag our model from scene hierarchy to AI Model field we can choose if AI will be hostile toward player or not. After that clicking Create AI the process is finished.

Then we need to setup AIs mount points for equipping weapons to hand and for when in holster (see Setting up new player character tutorial for more) and we also need to setup our AIs basic values inside Top Down Character Card component (his display name, health (value that will be set on scene start as maximum health), voice set, field of view and detect radius).

Scene gizmos will help you to determine AIs field of view (red) and detect radius (yellow) distances. If player is inside red field AI will detect him and see him, but if player is behind AI he will be detected only if he steps inside yellow field.

Creating friendly AI character is same as creating hostile AI, but with Is Ai Hostile? unchecked.

Last updated